Asbury Park Detroit, MI 48235
Property Information
Current Status | Occupied |
Lease Start Date | 05/10/2024 |
Lease End Date | 05/31/2025 |
Utilities | Paid by Tenant |
Initial Investment* | $31,080 |
*Includes down payment plus $3,000 of closing costs
Purchase Price $130,000
Current Rent | $1,300 |
Cap Rate | 9% |
Cash on Cash Return* | 32% |
Net Cash Flow Per Month* | $219 |
*Assuming 20% down with a loan at 2PTSÂ + 7.25% interest for 30 years. Including equity build up and 3% appreciation per year.
- About This Property
Comfortable family neighborhood within walking distance to 3 playgrounds and Pembroke Academy, Bow Elementary-Middle School. Also close to Jalen Rose Leadership Academy. Restaurants and convenience stores within 5 minutes of driving. For those who want to come home to peace and quiet.
Extensive Renovations include:
New roof,
new furnace,
new water heater,
new windows,
new granite countertops,
updated bathroom,
updated kitchen,
fresh paint throughout and exterior.In detail:
Bathroom: glazed tub base, and surrounding tub, toilet replaced, replaced electricals
Kitchen: replaced countertops with new granite tops; new cabinets; new sink / faucet / water lines / pvc piping; new light fixture;
Drywall fixes and tuckpointing for holes / cracks;
All windows replaced ;
Replaced all door trims;
Finished basement with new water heater, mechanicals, and furnace.This property is being marketed for a FlipSystem client.
- Financing Options
MartelTurnkey has partnered with some of the top lenders that provide a wide range of financial solutions to meet your Rental investing needs. Talk to an Advisor to learn more or visit our partner to get pre-approved.
- Property Management Company
Click here to learn more about the property management in our markets. If you have any further questions please schedule a call with an advisor
- Investment Terms
Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA): A PSA will be delivered electronically once an agreement has been made and must be executed by Buyer within 24 hours of receipt.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of $1,000 must be wired to the Title Company within 3 days of PSA signing.
Appraisal Contingency is available for financed properties, and will be waived automatically if the property appraises for the sale price. If it does not appraise for the sale price, then the Buyer and Seller will have the opportunity to come to terms or the Buyer can cancel the contract.
Closing Date: The Closing Date will occur within 15 days of PSA execution for cash transactions and 45 days of PSA execution for financing unless otherwise agreed by Buyer and Seller.
Lease Agreement: The current lease agreement will be provided to Buyer at Closing.
Closing Costs: Closing costs shall be paid based on local custom, and will include discounts negotiated by Martel TurnKey to lower transaction costs for Buyers and Sellers. Actual closing costs will be outlined on the final settlement statement. - Buying Process
Click here to learn more about buying rental properties from MartelTurnkey. If you have any further questions, schedule a call with an advisor
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