How to Leverage the Economic Downturn

Never before in history has there been so much opportunity for true wealth building. If you’re the type of person who’s always dreamed of creating wealth for yourself and your family, it’s time to invest in real estate. It’s true that the rich keep on getting richer, but it’s not for the reasons you might think. Rich people keep growing their coffers because they make a habit of investing. They don’t stop investing when the market gets weird. They just invest differently. The wealthy have learned how to leverage downturns as well as upturns. You can do it, too.


Inflation is Rampant


There’s a downturn in the market happening right now. Inflation is rampant. Prices are up on food, clothing, fuel, rent and real estate. According to a recent Forbes article, the Federal Reserve is letting the public know to expect higher prices going forward. It’s no shocker to anyone paying attention that inflation was coming. Given the global pandemic and the government’s decision to “print” money for supplemental income payments, tax credits, special loan programs and medical vaccine sponsorships, it was bound to happen. Now we have disruptions in supply chains for the second time in a year, which would drive up prices even in the best of circumstances. Many people saw the rising tide months ago and prepared for the worst. But there’s only so much bathroom tissue and bottled water you can buy in advance without disrupting your family’s cash flow to the point of a trickle. Yet, despite all this financial mayhem, some people are just getting richer. How are they doing it?


Cheapest Debt in History


As we talked about in a previous post, it makes sense to borrow to invest if you can get a higher interest on the investment than you pay interest on the loan. Your profit is the difference between the two. But what we didn’t mention earlier is that it still sometimes pays to borrow to invest even if you don’t get a cash profit. We’ll explain:


Let’s say inflation is at 5%. (It’s actually at 5.37% as of July 2021. Yikes.) But let’s round down to 5%. Now, interest on debt is the lowest it’s been for decades. Most people living today have never seen the interest rates this low, to give you perspective. With good credit, you can get a mortgage as low as 3.06% as of the time of this writing. If you were ever planning to invest in real estate, now is the time to get a mortgage. Heck, now’s the time to buy as many turnkey rental properties as you possibly can. Because interest rates can hardly go lower. And it’s highly unlikely that you’re ever going to see rates this low for the remainder of your time here on Earth. 


Do the Math and Get Rich


So here we are, in a situation where the government is outright telling us that prices are going to keep rising. Word on the street is that inflation is going to continue to rise for the next three to five years. No one has a crystal ball, so take that with a grain of salt. No one truly knows. We only know what’s happening here and now, and what’s already happened. 


We’re also in a situation where debt is cheap. Money is cheap. So assets are going to continue to rise in value and it’s incredibly cheap right now to borrow money to buy those assets. And when we say assets, what we’re talking about is turnkey rentals. Your path to wealth has never been clearer, easier and more straightforward than it is right now in this moment in time. You should be shopping for a turnkey rental right now. You’ll essentially be getting free financing to build your wealth portfolio. Given the rate of inflation combined with the rate of debt, it’s free money. It’s the best time to buy real estate, ever. 


So what are you waiting for? Choose one of our turnkey rentals, get financed at historically low rates and start earning passive income today!



Customer Testimonial:


“Martel Turnkey has been a pleasure to do business with. From the property inquiry to closing escrow to getting a renter in place; the whole process was extremely easy for a first time buyer such as myself. I plan on doing business with them again for more income producing properties.”


~ Hector, Bell Gardens, CA




Exactly Why You Should Work With MartelTurnkey

When it comes to you choosing your turnkey rental company, we’re biased. Of course we think you should work with MartelTurnkey! But we’ve done a little digging and it turns out we have very good—and objective—reasons why you should work with MartelTurnkey. You see, it’s not just a matter of us wanting to grow our business. It has everything to do with what you want and need from an investor’s standpoint; trustworthiness, value, quality, convenience, and easiness of the working relationship. Given all that, here’s exactly why you should work with MartelTurnkey.


We Have Happy Clients


A while back, we interviewed several of our clients. We called it “Investor Spotlight.” We asked them to share a little bit about themselves and why they invested in real estate.  But we also sought to find out just what they thought about our company; specifically what it was like from their viewpoint to work with MartelTurnkey. Well, we were beyond flattered. We received very positive feedback about our turnkey rental buying process. The interviews helped us to learn more about what’s important to our investors, as well as where we have room to improve. You can read them yourself on our blog. We aren’t aware of too many other turnkey rental companies that go out of their way to get detailed feedback from clients. We also have an ever-growing collection of testimonial quotes from happy clients that are published on the home page of our site. So if you’re looking for proof that we’re easy to work with, you’ve got it!


Our Available Turnkey Rentals Are Easy to View


We just finished visiting several competitor sites. It never hurts to see what others are doing, right? The experience was less than fruitful, because we never actually got to see any of our competitors’ properties! Oh, we did a lot of clicking—a lot—but all that clicking got us nowhere. We sure encountered a lot of annoying pop-ups, though. We usually ended up on a page where we were asked to submit our personal information before we could even see what properties were available. Kind of one-sided, if you ask us. There was one site (and no, we aren’t naming names) where we were actually required to have a live telephone interview before we could be “granted” access to view available properties. Seriously? We have to interview to even see what’s for sale? That’s definitely not user-friendly. Why should a potential investor have to spend their valuable time answering personal questions in order to be considered “worthy” to invest?


This is another big reason why you should work with MartelTurnkey and not someone else. If you want to see our available turnkey rentals for sale, just visit our website and click on the “turnkey rentals for sale” tab. Do you want to analyze the financials on a specific turnkey rental? No problem, and no telephone interview needed! Just click on the “download financials” tab and review them to your heart’s content. Want to look at more than one property? No problem. Download as many financials as you like. All the details are there, in black and white, ready for anyone to look at, print out, analyze, etc.


We Let You Ask the Questions


Let’s say you see a turnkey rental property on our site that’s caught your eye. You’ve downloaded the financials and you like what you’re reading. But you have questions. Maybe this will be your first investment and you’re not sure how it all works. Maybe you have some questions about this specific property. So you hop on the phone with us. You schedule a phone call with one of our team members. But guess what? We let you ask the questions. We aren’t going to data mine you with a zillion questions. It’s your call. You ask, we answer. Sure, we’ll get your pertinent information just so we can follow up with you. Other than that, we’re just there to address your comments and answer your questions. 


Our Family Values


You may already know that MartelTurnkey is a family-owned company. Our entire family works together. We have weekly meetings, and we even hang out together as much as we can, working and playing together. As a close-knit family, we realize how important your family is to you. We realize that one of the reasons you’re investing is so your family can have more security, wealth and stability in the coming decades. That’s why we work hard; so you don’t have to. You can enjoy passive income while spending more time with your own loved ones. We do all the heavy lifting; analyzing markets, analyzing properties, renovating properties, doing the paperwork so in the end, almost all you have to do is sign on the dotted line to start earning money. 


We have a long and upstanding reputation in the real estate communities where we do business. We uphold our part of the bargain so you can trust that you’re going to get a quality turnkey rental property that tenants will love to live in. There’s no reason to work with anyone else. Why not work with MartelTurnkey right now? Browse our available turnkey rental properties, download some financials and contact us today.




Customer Testimonial:


I would definitely recommend MartelTurnkey over and over again for anyone new looking to get into real estate investing. They take out a lot of the guess work and if we have questions they are always there to answer them. I’m only a month in on my first rental property but everything from the property management connection to the first month’s rent being deposited into my bank account was like clockwork, and it’s been my best investment ever.


~ Jarret San Diego, CA



What Do Tenants Look For in a Rental Home?

Landlords and property management companies usually focus on finding quality tenants for their turnkey rentals. This makes sense, considering that you want rent to be paid on time. You also hope to get good tenants that will respect the property and take care of it. On the other hand, tenants have their own set of criteria when seeking a property to rent. And when you rent a property that matches that criteria, chances are higher that your own high standards for tenants will be simultaneously met. Here are the things that quality tenants commonly look for in a rental property.


Good Condition


Even though tenants are renters, they view their rental as their home. Since the home is an extension of themselves, quality tenants want the property to be in good condition. They don’t want to see peeling wallpaper, mildewy walls, stained carpeting or cracked windows. Quality tenants know that the property is also a reflection of the landlord’s attention, too. If the rental is in poor condition, it’s a strong sign that the landlord really doesn’t care about it, or their future tenants. 


Fenced-In Yard


Did you know that nearly 70% of Americans have at least one pet? Owning or renting doesn’t seem to matter to animal lovers. They just want their beloved animal companions at home with them. Most quality tenants will have some kind of needs regarding their pet ownership. Most often, they look for a fenced-in yard where little Fido or Fuzzy Bottom can roam free, yet protected. At a minimum, quality tenants will want to have permission to keep a pet in your rental property. They’re happy to pay a handsome pet deposit for the privilege, too.


Personal Appliances


Serial renters (as they sometimes like to call themselves) typically appreciate being able to bring their own household appliances into the rental home. They don’t want to have to deal with noisy, outdated refrigerators or dodgy ovens and ranges where only a couple of the burners work correctly. They enjoy shiny new stainless steel appliances just like homeowners, and they want to be able to enjoy cooking in a kitchen where they can use personal appliances of their own choosing.


Neutral Paint Colors


Rental properties that are blindingly white are a real turn-off for quality tenants with good taste. They don’t want a plain vanilla home where there’s no color; no personality. Instead, they’ll be wooed by a tastefully painted rental property with neutral tones that reflect style. Then they can add their own decorating touches and splashes of color against a backdrop of soothing blues, grays or browns. 


Online Payment Portal


Tenants are attracted to rental properties where they have the ability to pay rent online. This system makes it easier for hard-working tenants to just log in and pay without having to make special trips to the bank or elsewhere every month. 


Online Maintenance Requests


When tenants have the option to submit online maintenance requests, it’s easier on everyone. The tenant feels like there’s no rigamarole just to get a leaky shower head fixed, and they’ll know exactly where the request stands and when to expect service. This kind of convenience is likely to attract a higher standard of tenants, who are accustomed to being taken seriously as a reliable, paying tenant.


Property Management Company


Quality tenants would generally prefer to rent through a property management company than through an individual. Why? Lots of reasons. For one thing, their personal data is more secure. Instead of submitting an application containing their private financial information and social security number to a stranger, they are submitting to an established business. Another reason is the professionalism. Renting via a property management company is like a business transaction, whereas renting through an individual is like doing business on a street corner where you’re unsure of what kind of person you’re dealing with. In fact, many tenants are scared off by individuals who are only posing as property owners, only to scam unwitting people out of their money and personal information. 




Quality tenants with vehicles will always choose a rental home with a garage over a rental that doesn’t have one. This is especially the case when your turnkey rental property is located in a region of the country with three or more seasons. Second best to a garage is a carport or structure where the tenant won’t need to brush snow and ice off their vehicle in winter.


Proximity to Work


Great tenants always have proximity to work opportunities in mind when choosing a long-term rental home. They want to ensure that they’re able to earn rent money, just as much as landlords do. They understand that it’s easier to hold down a job when the workplace is within a reasonable distance to their rental home. 


Our Turnkey Rentals Attract Quality Tenants


If you hadn’t noticed already, our turnkey rentals meet every criteria of quality tenants. Our properties are fully renovated and in excellent condition for your tenants. We decorate with a tasteful palette of colors that have wide aesthetic appeal. Many of our turnkey rentals have fenced-in yards; all accept pets with a pet deposit (unless you specifically request otherwise). Many of our properties also have garages, carports and driveways so your tenant can safely and conveniently store their vehicles when not in use. We don’t supply appliances in our turnkey rentals, so that our investors don’t have to worry about repairs and replacements and so that tenants can furnish their own favored appliances. We also favor properties that are within easy driving distance to large employers such as Amazon, the Cleveland Clinic, Fed Ex and more. And, of course, all of our turnkey rentals have excellent property management companies in place, with both landlord and tenant online portals. 


When you invest in turnkey rentals with MartelTurnkey, both your expectations and your tenants’ expectations will be exceeded. We buy and sell properties that you can be proud to own, and that quality tenants will be happy to live in for a long time. Contact us today to get started, or get started on your own by downloading the financials on any turnkey rental property that you are interested in. We look forward to being your investment partner!


Customer Testimonial:


I am very fortunate to have found you and your company. I really look forward to working with you more in the months and years to come! It’s very rare to find someone who is honest and sincere in their dealings with others. You truly treat your investors like family and likewise treat your properties like your own.”


~ Edna, Los Angeles, CA



Is it Smart to Borrow Money to Invest?

If you’ve been following our assortment of available turnkey rentals for sale, you know that we currently have available properties in Ohio, Missouri and Michigan. We often have turnkey rental properties in Tennessee, too. Based on the real estate market today, it’s only natural that you’re probably eager to get in on these hot investment opportunities as soon as possible. But it may be that you don’t quite have enough saved up for your down payment. The big question is; should you wait until your savings grows, potentially missing out on your window of opportunity? Or is it smart to borrow money to invest right now? 


What the Experts Say


Throughout history, financial experts have gone by a rule of thumb when it comes to managing debt: borrow to invest and use your own funds for perishables. For example, you don’t want to put groceries on your credit card unless you pay it off every month. No one should be paying interest on lettuce! But if you have a chance to invest in something that has the chance for a greater return than the amount of interest you pay on the “loan,” then it makes sense to invest. In a case like this, your potential for return is greater than the cost of the loan. 


For the sake of an example, let’s say that you see that a local company is selling off its assets, including a commercial car window tinting system. If you were interested in a side gig, you could buy the equipment on your credit card, pay it down over time with interest, and operate your own window tinting service. Your profit margin would be the difference between your sales return rate and the cost of interest on the credit card. Eventually, the equipment would be paid off and then your profits would jump.


What We Think


We think that it makes great sense to borrow money to invest, depending upon your circumstances. After all, that’s exactly how MartelTurnkey got its start. In what feels like a lifetime ago (but it was only 2018!), Antoine borrowed $40,000 from Eric Martel’s retirement account. We leveraged that money to purchase what would be our first turnkey rental property. We spent the remainder of the $40,000 on renovations, and subsequently sold it to our very first investor. From there, the rest of the story is that we now have a $50 million dollar family business that:


 – Provides elegant and lucrative investment opportunities for our investors

 – Helps renovate and uplift entire neighborhoods in our markets

 – Supports each member of our family with jobs

 – Supports several full-time staff with jobs

 – Supports a variety of contractors and freelancers with jobs


Pretty good, right? And it all came about because we borrowed money to invest. Now, one big factor in our success is that we invested in ourselves. We knew our own level of commitment to the project. We knew that our family is hardworking; that we were willing to “go the distance” and persevere through challenges in order to succeed. Those things informed our decision. 


When you decide whether or not to borrow to invest, you need to choose what will inform your decision. We suggest that you at least consider the following when making your decision about whether to borrow to invest in turnkey rentals:


Can you trust the turnkey rental company? We believe that we’ve proven our trustworthiness over and over again. Just have a look at our many client testimonials for proof!


Is money cheap to borrow? Right now, interest rates on borrowed money are at an all-time low. Cliche or not, there’s never been a better time to borrow. 


Does the turnkey rental property offer a good ROI? All of our turnkey rental properties provide positive cash flow for our investors. You can download financials on any property and see for yourself what your ROI will be. 


Am I ready to be a passive investor? Luckily, there isn’t much you have to do to be a passive investor. Investing in a turnkey rental isn’t another job (like that window tinting project!). You just invest, sit back and let your team do the rest. 


Property prices are high right now, but as you read in last week’s blog post, rental prices are high, too. Simply put, the sooner you invest, the more money you stand to make. When you’re ready to invest, please reach out to us. Our goal is to make you richer.




Customer Testimonial:


“We hit some rough water with the bank but MartelTurnkey is tops in my book. Communication, which is the biggest key in long distance real estate transactions, was as good as it gets, got my questions answered promptly and they helped me work with the bank.”

~ Ron,  Northridge, CA



Rents Rising Through the Roof

As the COVID-19 pandemic made its way across the U.S., it accelerated what was already a decrease in the inventory of affordable housing in such areas as Detroit, Memphis, St. Louis, and Cleveland. Because of this, many people who were planning on purchasing a home have instead chosen to continue renting. This is excellent news for investors and landlords. If you want to know how rents that are rising through the roof can benefit you as an investor, here are some things to keep in mind as the evolving 2021 real estate market moves forward. 


Rental Records Shattered


Within the 50 largest U.S. real estate markets, rental prices reached new highs in almost 90% of them. In fact, the Memphis market posted a year-to-year gain exceeding 23%, while Cleveland, Detroit, and St. Louis all hovered around 10%. Overall, the monthly median rent is now almost $1,600, meaning investors and landlords can enjoy substantial profits due to high demand and low supply of affordable housing.


No Slowdown in Sight


If you are an investor who thinks this good fortune is likely to be a bubble that will burst in the near future, don’t be so sure. According to economists who study the U.S. real estate market, rental prices will continue to increase at their present rates or more, and will not slow down until there is a major shift in the number of homes for sale that are deemed to be affordable for homebuyers, which is not in the foreseeable future. Thus, as an investor or landlord with rental property to offer, you are in the catbird’s seat.


Two-Bedroom Rentals Most Popular


Even though many people have lost jobs and businesses or have experienced other types of financial hardship during the pandemic, this has not resulted in most renters opting for studio apartments or smaller homes. Instead, the opposite holds true. Whether it is apartments or homes, rentals of two-bedroom properties increased at the fastest rate of all, up more than 10% year-to-year. As of June, two-bedroom rentals were going for an average of almost $1,800 per month in certain markets. As of June, the median price for a one-bedroom is $850. The median rent in Memphis overall is $1,210, with occupancy rates at 99%, according to local property managers. 


Surging Competition


Just as there is a major shortage of single-family homes for sale in Memphis and other areas, there is also a significant shortage of rental properties. Thus, now is the perfect time to take advantage of your turnkey rental company, MartelTurnkey, to supply you with affordable rental property inventory. This is the time to make those real estate investments that you may have put off because of the pandemic. For example, if you are an investor in St. Louis, Cleveland, or Detroit, the historically low number of rental properties on the market will motivate you more than ever to not only purchase turnkey rental properties at good prices, but also ensure your property manager will have no trouble filling those properties with quality tenants. 


Rents Rising Faster in Our Investment Markets


Though rents are rising faster than most people’s incomes, this does not mean investors and landlords will have dark days ahead. In fact, even if the nation’s economy recovers somewhat unevenly, you can still see excellent returns on investment in markets where we invest in turnkey rental properties. For example, look at the St. Louis market. As of now, the median cost of rent is $1,188. These rents, which represent increases of anywhere from six to 10% from one year ago, demonstrate the vast potential that exists by capitalizing on current market trends and  supply and demand. 


If you have been biding your time to invest in properties in Memphis, Cleveland, St. Louis, or Detroit, wait no longer. With people willing to pay more and more for a quality rental to call home, the bubble is not about to burst. Instead, you’ll likely be able to anticipate a tidal wave of reliable profits for years to come. Contact us for more details.




Client Testimonial:


I recently purchased a property from
Martel Turnkey. Antoine and his team are very professional
and knowledgeable in the real estate market. I had a great
buying experience from start to finish. The customer
service and communication were excellent. I would
purchase from Antoine again without hesitation.

~ Sevealyn Raleigh, NC



Services We Offer at MartelTurnkey

When you buy a turnkey rental property from MartelTurnkey, you get much more than “just” a house. You get a range of attention, support and services that begins from the moment you contact us. If you’ve ever looked into other turnkey rental companies, you know that isn’t the norm. Heck, it’s not the case with most companies in general these days! For proof of what we’re talking about, you only have to read over some of our in-depth investor profiles. They tell you firsthand that customer service is our top priority. For those of you yet to work with us, here’s a summary of our services:




Let’s say you use our contact form to contact us. You’re not quite ready to invest; you have a few questions or maybe you’re confused by exactly how it works. So you send us your email or give us your phone number. Well, instead of a “customer service agent,” you’ll actually be emailing with or talking to a member of our team. You can see their pictures and read a little bit about everyone on our team page. These are real people, not “chat bots” or overseas telephone people sitting in cubicles. It’s us. Really. 

And if you think we’re only here for people ready to invest, you’re wrong. We love to hear from interested people. Whether you’re thinking of investing now or you’re still in saving mode for a future turnkey rental purchase, or even if you just want to find out more about how we operate, where we invest or anything else. Don’t hesitate to get in touch, because consultations are part of the service you get!




Once you decide to move forward with buying one of our turnkey rentals, you are immediately connected with the members of your team who will help make everything happen. This includes your new property management company, lenders, a title company, a notary and more. You can learn the exact steps that happen when you buy a turnkey rental from us in an earlier blog post. There won’t be a moment when you feel lost. We virtually hold your hand every step of the way, from making the decision to buy to getting your “closed and funded” congratulatory email!


Quality Renovations With Our Money, Not Yours


Some other supposed “turnkey” companies out there expect you to pay for renovations. They sell you properties in poor condition and you’re expected to bring them up to par. Not us. Before we sell any of our properties, they are fully renovated with our money, not yours. You get a quality renovated property that passes muster—not only with inspection companies—but with discerning tenants. Heck, some of these properties are so nice looking after our renovations that you might be tempted to move in yourself!


We Own Our Turnkey Rentals


Another part of our service is that we actually own the properties we sell. We aren’t turnkey brokers. We don’t sell properties for any other person or company. We actively seek out viable turnkey properties that will hold value for our investors after the renovations are complete. Until they’re sold, we are paying the mortgage, because we own them ourselves. This part of the service is behind-the-scenes as far as our investors are concerned, but it’s important. It means that we stand behind our properties. We stand behind our decision to sell our properties as a source of positive cash flow for our investors. 


Tenant Placement


Another extremely valuable service that we offer is tenant placement. We have a tenant in place before our investors take possession of a turnkey rental property. This means that you, as the investor, can get passive income right out of the gate. We aren’t handling off some vacant property and then saying, “Okay, good luck finding a tenant!” No, we provide a tenant in place with a minimum one-year lease. In some cases it might even be a two-year lease. Again, this is a service that some other companies fail to provide. 


You might expect to have to pay a premium for all these value-added services. But at MartelTurnkey, we offer these services as part of the package. If you’re interested in investing in turnkey rentals, we are the company to work with. Contact us to find out for yourself how helpful we are!




Customer Testimonial:


“I was very nervous and reluctant to begin purchasing real
estate outside of California. I have to say Antoine and his
team made the process as smooth and easy as it could
possibly be. I am very happy with my real estate purchase
and the service MartelTurnkey provides. I look forward to
purchasing more properties from them in the future.”


Auldon – San Luis Obispo, CA



Perks of Owning Turnkey Real Estate You May Not Have Considered

Do you already invest in turnkey rentals or are you considering jumping into the real estate investment market? Either way, you should know that there are perks of owning turnkey real estate you may not have considered. Sure, passive income is a big benefit, as are the numerous tax deductions available for rental property owners. But there are other perks that make owning turnkey real estate something that everyone should aspire to. 


No Real Estate License Needed


Many of the people we encounter at investor Meetups, online and through our website contact form ask if they should get their real estate license. The answer is, no, if you’re investing in turnkey rentals. That’s the great thing about turnkey rentals. It lets you invest in real estate without having to go through all the rigamarole of getting licensed. You don’t need to spend the money (and time) on classes, brokerage fees, licensing fees, or any of the other miscellaneous—and extensive—fees that real estate agents incur. Frankly, as long as you’re investing in turnkey rentals, there’s no advantage at all to getting licensed. Essentially, you get to skip ahead to the good part of just making money off of your investments!


Virtual Money in the Bank


By now we know how fortunes can change overnight. One minute you’re riding high on passive income and a comfortable lifestyle. Next, you might have a family emergency, a needy relative or a pricey medical bill for services not covered by insurance. Instead of experiencing a total wipe-out of your savings, you have the option of selling one of your turnkey rental properties to raise needed cash. As you read in last week’s blog post, most if not all of the turnkey rentals that we’ve sold to our investors have risen in value since they were first purchased. Large increases in value take time, of course. But if you invest in turnkey rentals, you will always own a piece of real estate that has market value. That’s virtual money in the bank that you can access at times in your life when your financial situation may require a little boost. You may even choose to sell a property if you want cash to help out a child with college tuition or a first home down payment. 


Pride of Ownership


Another perk of owning turnkey real estate from MartelTurnkey is the pride of ownership that comes from being a quality landlord. Your MartelTurnkey rental property has been nicely renovated to high standards. As you can tell from reading testimonials from current clients, the turnkey rentals we sell are always turned over in fully renovated condition. Your tenants will be happy and comfortable and well-tended to by vetted property management companies. You can be proud to own your turnkey rentals. They stand up in quality to some of the best rental properties available in our select markets. 


Offset Other Investments


Turnkey rentals offer passive income, which is. highly sought after in our fast-paced world. But that income is also valuable because it offsets risks or losses from other investments you may have. Your CPA has likely encouraged you to have a diverse portfolio. You may have invested in cryptocurrency, stocks, bonds or even NFTs. Those other investment vehicles are sometimes volatile and unreliable. Turnkey rental income is stable and reliable. You may incur losses from other types of investments; you may even bottom out your portfolio on them.  But your turnkey rental value will never, ever go to zero. That’s something you can count on helping you sleep soundly every night. 


Invest Despite High Prices


If you live in certain areas, you know how expensive real estate has become. Take it from us, for example, it’s nearly impossible to get into real estate investing in California unless you have a million bucks to speculate with. We found that out ourselves when we first tried to get into real estate years ago.  That’s why we started investing out of state. Investing in turnkey rentals lets you invest in real estate despite high property prices in the area where you live. You get the perk of being able to invest where you can afford and start earning passive income right away.


Let us help you by answering any questions you may have about investing in turnkey real estate. Now is an especially great time to buy turnkey properties, because home prices in many areas are so high. Get some passive income for your family, invest in something that will always hold value, and invest in affordable areas. We can help. Contact us today.


My, How You’ve Grown! Your Property Values, That Is!

At MartelTurnkey, we are consistently praising the positive cash flow benefits of turnkey rentals. If you’re looking for a way to increase income, have your mortgage paid for by your tenants and enjoy the many tax breaks of being a landlord, then turnkey rentals are the way to go. But cash flow isn’t the only big benefit from turnkey rentals. We took a look back at a handful of properties that we’ve sold to our real estate investors in the past. We ran comps on the houses below so you can see for yourself how these property values have grown over the years!


3718 Skylark Drive, Memphis, TN

876 Sq. Ft., 3 bedroom/1 bathroom

Sold for $75,000

Current Estimate: $100,000

Increase of $25,000

33% Increase In Value in First 24 Months 


5216 Clement Ave., Cleveland, OH

1,274 Sq. Ft., 3 bedroom/1 bathroom

Sold for $80,000

Current Estimate: $115,000

Increase of $35,000

43% Increase In Value in First 24 Months


5429 Elmwood, Cleveland, OH

1,035 Sq. Ft., 3 bedroom/1 bathroom

Sold for $75,000

Current Estimate: $110,000

Increase of $35,000

46% Increase in Value in First 24 Months


15901 Edgewood Ave., Cleveland, OH

1,479 Sq. Ft., 4 bedroom/1 bathroom

Sold for $88,000

Current Estimate: $120,000

Increase of $32,000

36% Increase in Value in First 12 Months


18721 Fairway Ave., Maple Heights, OH

910 Sq. Ft., 3 bedroom/1 bathroom

Sold for $78,500

Current Estimate: $115,000

Increase of $36,500

47% Increase in Value in First 24 Months


As you can see, some properties have increased more in value than others. By and large, whether or not a property rises in value depends upon several factors, none of which are entirely predictable. With real estate, location is everything. If an area is experiencing economic and infrastructure growth, population increase and renewal, property values will rise accordingly. At MartelTurnkey, we conduct scrupulous analysis to determine a market’s outlook for growth before we invest in the area. We don’t have a crystal ball, but so far we’ve been very accurate. 


Does Refinancing a Turnkey Rental Make Sense?


Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the benefits of refinancing. Mortgage rates remain low and if you bought when rates were high, you might be thinking about refinancing your turnkey rental. But refinancing turnkey rentals doesn’t always make sense, no matter how low borrowing rates currently are. 


Unless you hold them for long enough so that they increase in value, it may not be profitable or practical to refinance. Some of our real estate investors bought turnkey rentals from MartelTurnkey back in 2018. Now they’re refinancing those properties and pulling out almost all of their cash. Others have decided to go a different route and have upgraded and renovated their houses even more and are now flipping them, since sales prices are so high right now. 


But to buy a turnkey rental and then try to flip it or refinance it within the first year is very hard, because typically when you buy turnkey rentals you’re buying them for market value. So you would need to wait several years to see the kinds of increases that would make refinancing or flipping make sense. 


Turnkey Rentals For Cash Flow and Equity


Turnkey rentals are usually sought after for passive, positive cash flow. You can use the monthly income to pay toward the mortgage, or save it to buy another turnkey rental. This is the

“ladder” to build lasting, generational wealth. Over time, if you continue to use that cash flow to buy more properties, you’ll have a substantial portfolio that could replace your “working” income, should you so desire. Yes, you can retire on turnkey rentals; the easiest way would be to use a buy and hold method. 


If you bought a turnkey rental from us years ago and it’s worth more now, another smart way to leverage your investment is to obtain a HELOC. A HELOC is a home equity line of credit; it’s not a refinance. You would essentially borrow against the equity you’ve built up. Since cash is so cheap right now, a HELOC could make sense, depending on how much equity you have in your turnkey rental. Then you could use that borrowed money as a down payment on your next turnkey rental purchase. 


If you discover that your turnkey rental property is worth substantially more than it was when you bought it, contact us for ideas to leverage that higher property value. We’d be happy to discuss your options in the turnkey real estate investment market.


Best Investment Books to Read Now

Now that summer is officially here, it’s a great time to find motivational beach reads. Whether you plan to kick back in your easy chair or dig your toes in the sand at your favorite vacation spot, here are some books that will inspire, motivate and inform you on your journey to real estate wealth. Tuck one or more of these great books into your tote bag or suitcase and get ready to learn more about real estate investing so you can truly leverage the power of real estate as an investment strategy.


A Millennial’s Guide to Investing in Cash Flowing Rental Properties
By Antoine Martel


A Millennial’s Guide to Investing in Cash Flowing Rental Properties” is written by our very own Antoine Martel. It was published in 2019, so you might have missed it if you’re new to our company. While this is a relatively short read of just 123 pages, it’s dense with information about how to do your own property flips if you are more of a DIY person. Inside, you’ll find chapters like “How to Calculate Cap Rate,” “Funding Your Real Estate Investments,” “The BRRRR Strategy” and much more. This is a no-fluff, straight to the point book that will help get your real estate investment plans off the ground in as little time as possible. 


Stop Trading Your Time for Money: A how-to guide for the middle class to achieve financial freedom, early retirement, and provide a legacy for future generations
By Eric Martel


Stop Trading Your Time For Money” is a special book that we’re extremely proud of, because it’s written by our own Eric Martel. Published less than a year ago in October 2020, this invaluable resource clocks in at 150 pages. As you know if you read our profile on Eric Martel, he has extensive experience—not only with real estate—but with learning how to make passive income a reality in his own life. A former actuary, Eric Martel saw firsthand how people struggled to work and recover, particularly after the crash of 2001. This book is thick with advice about how to determine what you really want for yourself and your family, how to rid yourself of false beliefs and how to get the rich and rewarding life you and your family deserve. You’ll learn how to build generational wealth without breaking your back or sacrificing time with your family to do so. This book is a must-read for every real estate investor!


The Book on Rental Property Investing: How to Create Wealth With Intelligent Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing
By Brandon Turner


The Book on Rental Property Investing” is written by Brandon Turner, founder of Bigger Pockets. If you haven’t heard of, prepare to have your world rocked. Over the course of just 17 years, has become the online hub for real estate investors. Brandon Turner’s book is rich with strategies, tools and insider tips for the buy and hold aspect of real estate investing. Covered topics include how to find deals in competitive markets (like today’s markets!), how to work it without actually working (no paintbrush required) and he even touches on the subject of saving on taxes. This book is a little bit self-promoting, because he does refer to joining the pro level of several times. However, there’s plenty of meat in here to get you salivating to get started on your real estate wealth-building projects!


How to Create Wealth Investing in Real Estate: How to Build Wealth with Multi-Family Real Estate
By Grant Cardone


How to Create Wealth Investing in Real Estate” is written by Grant Cardone, one of our favorite successful real estate investment entrepreneurs. This book talks about something we’ve always believed in, investing in multi-family properties. (We even wrote a blog post listing the benefits.) Duplexes, triplexes and quads offer higher cash flow, more diversity and more security, which is what you’ll learn in this book. Granted, Cardone talks a lot in the book about investing in apartment buildings, which may be over-budget for you at the moment. However, the principles are sound and investing in apartment buildings in the future is definitely something you should keep in mind as a possibility. Aim high. Bottom line: This book will motivate you to take steps today so that someday you can reach that step in the ladder where buying an apartment building is well within reach!


Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence—And How You Can Too
By Gary Vaynerchuk


Crushing It!” was written by Gary Vaynerchuk, or Gary “Vee,” as he is better known. This guy really knows his stuff. He’s an expert at video marketing, but he’s also a seriously successful entrepreneur with four books on the New York Times Bestseller List. Frankly, you’d do well to read all of his books, but we like this one to start with. It’s kind of a starter course for wannabe entrepreneurs. And although you may not think of yourself as an entrepreneur yet, you are. The very fact that you’re reading this means you’re looking for ways to earn income from real estate, the best entrepreneurship method of all. In this book, Gary Vee motivates you, challenges you and teaches you how to leverage social media to propel yourself over the top in your endeavors. While it’s not specifically focused on real estate investing, it will put you in the right mindset to stop waiting for someone else to make you rich. That’s never gonna happen. It’s all on you, and you have everything you need to do it. All you have to do is pick up the tools (and the books).


These are books that we’ve read (and written!) to motivate us and we are happy to recommend them to you. So pick up one or two and dive in while you’re lounging poolside. We guarantee you’ll start itching to get started building your own real estate investing portfolio. And when you have questions, we hope you know we’re always here and ready to help any way we can. Happy reading!


Proof That Stocks Are Not The Best Investment

In a post last year, we listed several of the benefits of investing in real estate versus stocks. This year, we wanted to show you proof positive that stocks are not the best investment. We’ve listed several instances when stock prices fell on announcements, press releases or news articles that had little or nothing to do with the actual value of the company. For those of you who already invest in turnkey rentals, you know that the value of your real estate investment doesn’t go down based on whims and rumors. But the following is proof positive that stock values are tied to such incidents.


Cristiano Takes a Drink


Stocks like Coca-Cola are so well-known and “reliable” that heavy-hitter investors like Warren Buffet often recommend buying them. But even Apple is not immune to the fluctuations that happen as a result of random events. Soccer fans may have seen the news conference where forward player Cristiano Ronaldo moved two Coco-Cola bottles from the podium stand in front of him. He then adamantly held up his water bottle and banged it down in front of him, saying, “Agua!” (If you haven’t seen the video, you can check it out here. It’s pretty awesome.) But to our point, Coca-Cola’s market value shares dropped a whopping $4 million almost instantly. Now, Cristiano doesn’t work for Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola is a sponsor of Euro 2020. That’s the only connection. It just goes to show how fickle the stock market game really is.


Jeff Bezos Takes a Drop


Jeff Bezos knows very well what happens to share prices when CEOs take a hike. That’s why, prior to his departure as CEO, he sold almost $5 billion worth of his Amazon shares. Smart guy. But we already knew that. Of course, $5 billion in shares is a drop in the bucket for Jeff. There’s probably plenty more where that came from. Just know that he is set to officially step down on July 5th, in case you have shares in Amazon. 


IRhythm Loses Pace


Less well-known companies are just as susceptible to stock volatility. IRhythm, a digital healthcare company, lost its CEO in early June. President and CEO Mike Coyle made a surprise announcement that he was taking his leave due to personal reasons. While Coyle committed to helping to ensure a smooth transition to the new CEO, that did little to quell investors’ worries. Share prices fell 16%.  When a CEO who has only been at the helm for six months decides to leave for vague personal reasons, it does seem a little strange from the outside. But things happen. Life happens. Coyle probably had very good reasons for stepping down. It’s just that when life happens to a real estate company, the value of property doesn’t fall 16%. 


Bitcoin Tumbles


Okay, Bitcoin isn’t technically a stock, but it’s sure behaving like one. On May 19th, Elon Musk announced that he was eschewing Bitcoin because of the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining. We don’t pretend to know exactly how Bitcoin consumes resources or how much is consumed during crypto-mining, but that doesn’t matter. The rest of the Bitcoin investors took notice and the value of Bitcoin plummeted. The other shoe dropped when China—Beijing, specifically—announced that the government would be cracking down on Bitcoin mining and trading. Ethereum and the tongue-in-cheek Dogecoin also took big hits in their values. As of May 19th, “Bitcoin plunged almost 30% to $31,000, wiping out more than $500 billion in value from the coin’s peak market value.”



Every financial expert will tell you that diversity is important in your financial portfolio and we agree. We just hope that your diversity isn’t all about stocks and no real estate. Real estate investments are reliable; real estate almost always goes up in value. We highly doubt that home prices will ever go down to levels they were at in the 1950s. In fact, we’d bet money on that. But we don’t like to gamble, which is why we aren’t crazy about stocks. It’s called “playing the stock market” for a reason. Nothing is guaranteed, but we like the odds that real estate investing offers a whole lot more than what stocks offer.